Election remains tightly poised at 50%-50% 2PP in latest YouGov poll
Albanese leads Dutton as preferred Prime Minister (45%-40%)
5 days agoArticle
Labor Consolidates 51%-49% Lead; Albanese ties Dutton in voter satisfaction for the first time in a year
An emerging trend shows improving satisfaction with Anthony Albanese and declining satisfaction for Peter Dutton
12 days agoArticle
Labor takes lead with 51%-49% for the first time in 8 months in the latest YouGov poll
Albanese expands lead as preferred Prime Minister to 45%, ahead of Dutton at 39%
18 days agoArticle
Coalition leads 51-49 in latest YouGov poll, with strong support for Government ownership of Whyalla Steelworks
• 62% Australians support a government takeover of the Whyalla Steelworks • 60% back the idea of the steelworks being run by a publicly owned company
25 days agoArticle
Coalition best-placed to form a government, but is currently falling two seats short of a majority
The first YouGov MRP model of the 2025 election shows Australia is on course for a hung parliament.
about 1 month agoArticle
MRP Methodology
A guide to the methodology behind YouGov's use of multilevel regression with post-stratification (MRP) to project how Australians will vote in the 2025 election.
about 1 month agoArticle
Support for under-16 social media ban soars to 77% among Australians
87% support stronger penalties for social media companies who do not comply with Australian laws
4 months agoArticle
25 years after the Referendum: Support for a Republic declines
Most Australians not very interested in the Royal visit but prefer Royals over local politicians
5 months agoArticle
50- 50 dead heat in latest YouGov poll
Labor primary vote down to 30%, Coalition up to 39%, Greens up to 14%
6 months agoArticle
67% of Australians would vote for Kamala Harris for President
Two Party remains tied 50% Labor – 50% Coalition
7 months agoArticle
Aussies struggle to name any financially beneficial Government initiatives
YouGov’s latest Public Data poll has found that 73% of Australians cannot name one thing that the Federal Government has done to make them financially better off in the last two years. This includes 64% of Labor voters from the 2022 Federal election.
8 months agoArticle
53% of 18- to 24-year-olds want more Socialism
YouGov’s latest Public Data poll has revealed that younger Australians think Australia should be more socialist, however older Australians are more inclined to be neutral, neither favouring a more capitalist nor more socialist direction.
9 months agoArticle
Half of Australians think that the Government should support low-cost airlines
The history of Australian aviation includes around 300 defunct airlines in the last century, including regional budget airline, Bonza. New YouGov Public Data has found that 50% of Australians believe that the Australian Federal Government should support low-cost airlines to enable a competitive market and to keep air travel accessible to more Australians.
9 months agoArticle
84% of Australians support the right to strike for better wages and work conditions
YouGov’s latest Public Data poll has found that 84% of Australians support the right to strike for better wages and job security. The two-party preferred vote has come in at 50-50, making an election too close to call.
10 months agoArticle
Australians think Housing Affordability is the top federal issue
YouGov’s latest public data poll, conducted pre the federal budget, has found that Australians think “Housing Affordability” is the top issue the Federal Government should focus on. Housing Affordability was nominated by 36% of Australians. Living Standards was 34%, while Health Quality and Affordability was backed by 29%.
10 months agoArticle
More Australians are in favour than in opposition of recognising Palestine as an independent state
35% of Australians think the Australian Government should recognise Palestine as an independent state. One in five (21%), however, think that the Australian Government should not recognise Palestine. 44% indicated that they were not sure, the most common response.
11 months agoArticle
Younger Australians are less willing to fight in “unnecessary” wars
New insight into what Australians think the most important lesson to draw from ANZAC Day is finds that younger age groups have a larger amount of scepticism towards Australia’s participation in wars not necessary for the direct defence of Australia.
11 months agoArticle
Less than a third of Australians support a visa blanket ban on whole countries
Only 31% of Australians agree that the government should, in principle, have the power to ban all visa applications from certain countries. 60% support the principle of applications being dealt with on their own merit, regardless of country of origin.
12 months agoArticle
A quarter of Australians say celebrating Jesus is the most important part of Easter
YouGov’s latest public data poll has found that 27% of Australians say the most important part of Easter is celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
12 months agoArticle
86% of Australians support the “right to disconnect”
YouGov data reveals 86% of Australians support “the right to disconnect”, a recently passed legislation. Voters across the board support this new law. Anthony Albanese has also doubled his lead as preferred Prime Minister to 48%-34%.
about 1 year ago