Aussies struggle to name any financially beneficial Government initiatives

July 26, 2024, 1:34 AM GMT+0

YouGov’s latest Public Data poll has found that 73% of Australians cannot name one thing that the Federal Government has done to make them financially better off in the last two years. This includes 64% of Labor voters from the 2022 Federal election.

As for those who were able to name a financially beneficial initiative, 10% of all Australian voters nominated the recent tax cuts, while 7% cited energy rebates, 2% pension increases, and 1% wage increases.

Paul Smith, YouGov’s Director of Public Data and Public Affairs said, “Even with the Stage 3 Tax Cuts now appearing in people’s pay packets, an overwhelming majority of Australians are still unable to recall one government action that has made them financially better off. This should send alarm bells ringing for Labor.”

When asked the same question in May, just before the Federal Budget was announced, 82% of Australians could not name anything that the government had done to make them better off financially.

This poll also measured voting intention.

This YouGov data found that the two-party preferred vote has had a slight increase in Labor’s favour, now 51% Labor – 49% Coalition, with Labor up 1% since our June poll.

Labor’s primary vote has also lifted 1% to 31%, while the Greens have fallen by 1% to 13%.

The Coalition’s primary vote has stayed steady at 38%, while Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party has fallen by 1% to 7%.

The satisfaction for both party leaders once again remains negative. However, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s score has improved 7 points to -10 (42% satisfied, 52% dissatisfied).

Comparatively, the Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton’s score has also improved by 7 points, coming in at -4 (42% satisfied, 46% dissatisfied).

Anthony Albanese remains as the preferred Prime Minister; however, his margin has decreased by three points since our last poll in June. 45% are in favour of Albanese, while 37% prefer Dutton.

18% of Australians don’t prefer either party leader as Prime Minister.

Methodology: This survey was conducted between 12 and 17 July 2024 with a sample of 1528. Results are weighted to be representative of the population by age, gender, education, AEC region, household income, weighting by past vote (Federal vote and Voice referendum), with an effective margin of error of 3.2%. See Australian Polling Council methodology statement for full weightings.

YouGov correctly predicted the result of the recent referendum at 40% Yes, 60% No, and is a founding member of the Australian Polling Council, as well as a global leader in polling research. We are the only polling company to have polled our entire panel of survey participants to ensure our polls are representative of how Australians voted in the Voice referendum.

For further information or comment contact Paul Smith, Director of Government