YouGov-Fifty Acres poll shows spike in Aussie fear of North Korea threat after missile test, but people are split on military action
Two-party preferred poll also shows Australians think Tony Abbott should be reprimanded for missing a vote after drinking too much in 2009
Two-party preferred neck and neck - 50/50
There has been a large spike in the number of Australians worried about the threat of North Korea after a missile test over Japan, according to the latest two-party preferred YouGov-Fifty Acres poll.
- the number of Australians worried about North Korea jumped 12 points to 66%, while those not worried fell 11 points to 29%.
- Australians are split on military action against North Korea, with 43% saying they would support it (up 7%) and 43% opposing it (down 4%).
- Most Australians support economic sanctions, with three quarters supporting it (up six), while only 13% (down four) oppose.

The majority of Australians also think former Prime Minister Tony Abbott should be reprimanded for missing a vote in parliament in 2009 after he drank too much the night before.
- More than six-in-ten respondents believe Abbott should be reprimanded (62%), while only a quarter (24%) think he should face no action.
- Abbott remains the least liked politician in Australia, with 57% expressing an unfavourable opinion (up one).
The poll also found strong support for a ban on religious garments, as well as support for celebrating Australia Day. It comes after One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson called to ban burqas, and debate over moving the date of Australia Day.
- There is overwhelming support across Australia for a ban on both the niqab (64% support) and burqa (67% support)
- There is considerably more support from older Australians, with 82% and 87% of those 55 or older supporting bans, compared to 37% and 42% of those aged 18-24.
- More than three-quarters (78%) of Australians believe that Australia Day should be celebrated, compared to just 13% of respondents who believe the opposite.
- Support is also much stronger among older people - 83% of 45-54 year-olds and 86% of those aged 55 or older believe it should be celebrated, whereas only 63% of 18-24 year-olds share this view.
The two-party preference has returned to 50/50, with Labor moving up one and the Coalition down one.

- On the primary vote, the Coalition are on 34% (unchanged), Labor are on 32% (down one), the Greens are on 12% (up two) and One Nation are on 9% (down one). Other parties are collectively on 13% (no change).
- Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is on 44% favourable (down one), and 48% unfavourable (up one), whereas Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is at 43% favourable (up one) and 46% unfavourable (down one).
- Pauline Hanson moved up slightly, at 42% favourable (up three), and 50% unfavourable (down two)
- Nick Xenophon is the most popular politician, with 52% viewing him favourably (up two).

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Methodology Overview
The YouGov-Fifty Acres poll takes a very different approach to ascertain how Australians think and feel. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov. Total sample size was 1032 adults aged 18+ years. Fieldwork was undertaken between 31st August – 4th September 2017. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all Australian adults (aged 18+). The survey was carried out online.
This is the latest poll from YouGov, which has a proven record of accuracy in both US and UK politics. In the most recent UK election they were the first polling agency to correctly call the result, showing the country was heading for a hung parliament despite most other organisations showing a large lead for the Conservatives. All polling is subject to a margin of error so it is natural to see some variations from poll to poll.