Most want politicians drug tested, YouGov+Fifty Acres Poll reveals

May 19, 2017, 8:28 AM GMT+0

The overwhelming majority of Australians believe politicians should face the same drug tests as proposed for welfare recipients in the 2017 Budget measures, according to the latest poll released by leading international research firm YouGov and Australian communications and engagement agency Fifty Acres.

  • 84% of Australians believe MPs and Senators should be drug tested and their pay docked if they test positive
    • that creeps up to over 90% for 45+ Australians

  • 86% of Australians believe Federal MPs and Senators should have their pay reduced if they fail to turn-up Parliament/work
    • that creeps up to over 95% for 55+ Australians

Interestingly, the majority of Australians agree with the controversial budget measures for welfare recipients.

  • 65% agree with a trial of drug testing on 5,000 welfare recipients. Those who fail a drug test will have their welfare payments made by a Cashless Debit Card.

  • 71% agree with the measure that would see welfare recipients who fail to turn up to appointments or meet other obligations face having their payments reduced or cancelled.

Lastly, half of Australians are not confident Australian politicians can deliver good policies for young people.

  • Interestingly, this sentiment is most prominent among older Australians aged 45-74.

YouGov-Fifty Acres Partnership

YouGov is partnering with Fifty Acres to produce a regular fortnightly opinion report on topical government questions and announcements from the view of voting intention on issues ranging from the economy, health, education, environment through to immigration.

Methodology Overview

The poll is a fortnightly online survey conducted amongst 1,000 Australians aged 18+. The poll sample is nationally representative with quotas based on age, gender and region.